Sacred Living

Sacred Living is the art of living a blessed or sacred life with a deep sense of connection & wellbeing, helping you to find inner balance, peace, vitality and fulfilment.

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In our fast-paced and demanding times, the idea of valuing Sacred Living as much as wealth or security is fast becoming a necessity and not a luxury.
We already place emphasis on maintenance disciplines like brushing our teeth or servicing our cars regularly but how much importance do we place on the habitual practice of creating a Sacred Life? How often do we allow ourselves to develop and connect with what really matters most to us, beyond the distractions of our daily mundane cares?

As with anything of value, the art of Sacred Living is a lifestyle program which needs time and practice to be integrated into your life successfully. This course is designed to help you do just that in a simple but profound way!

What to expect from this course

The Sacred Living course covers four modules: Body, Mind, Soul and Connection Lifestyle Practices. Each module is packed full of practical exercises and techniques and for each respective theme, to help you develop further on all levels in your life.

This course will guide you in an effective and accessible way to create the space and lifestyle practices needed to thrive through Sacred Living!

Course Structure & Cost

The course runs over 4 months, with one 3-hour module per month. The course costs R400 per module.


    How to join this course

    Please fill in the form below, and we'll get back to you with a group that suits your dates.