Finding Forgiveness

Many of us carry hurt, betrayal and disappointment within and these wounds often hold us back in our lives. Learn how to free up your blocked energy and move forward in your life with a deeper sense of peace and connection.


However big or small the scars of these encounters may be, it is vital for us to find forgiveness and acceptance with what we have been through in order to truly heal and move forward with our lives.

Sometimes the hurt, betrayal, resentment and disappointment are like massive roadblocks that we can not move past, while other times we have buried the pain so deeply that we think it no longer impacts us until we find evidence of these wounds still playing out in our lives.

Ultimately, however we are affected, even if the injuries are minor and easy to brush away at the time, these wounds still carry valuable clues for us in the journey of deeper connection with ourselves and our lives. 

The Finding Forgiveness series runs over 3 sessions offering you tools to help access, understand and release your past with forgiveness and acceptance.

What to expect from a session

We begin with a discussion of the intention for the session and explore key concepts around the theme. 

Next, we go into the energy healing portion of the session where you are guided through visual imagery to relax and open yourself to exploring blockages and resistances, while receiving healing and finding balance as necessary. 

To conclude, there is another brief discussion of what we have covered and what was experienced so that you leave with a better understanding of how you can continue to work with yourself going forward.

Besides the sacred space and amplified energy healing, these sessions offer practical tools and deeper understanding to help you develop further on all levels. 

The course runs over 3 sessions: One 2-hour session per month, running over 3 months. The course costs R400 per session.

There are currently no new Finding Forgiveness courses scheduled. Should you wish to be notified when the next course is planned, please fill in the form below.


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